Transgender Man Gives Birth: A Journey of Unexpected Parenthood and Resilience

In the latter half of 2020, a remarkable story unfolded as Ash Patrick Schade, a transgender man from Huntington, West Virginia, gave birth to his first child. This unexpected journey began when Ash, then 28 years old, connected with a stranger on the dating app Grindr and found himself pregnant.

As a PhD student and mental health worker in Huntington, Ash was taken aback by the news but made the courageous decision to pause hormone therapy in order to carry and give birth to his daughter, Ronan Shiva, who is now one year old. Despite the surprise and the challenges faced between 2019 and 2020, including a divorce and concerns about mental health, Ash embraced the experience and said he “fell in love with my bump.”

Ash had undergone extensive hormone treatment as part of his transition, and the realization of being pregnant was unexpected. Being born with a gender identification different from the one assigned at birth, Ash found himself navigating a unique path. However, finding medical professionals who were knowledgeable and understanding of his situation proved difficult.


“When I first learned of my pregnancy, it was challenging to find a healthcare provider who was willing to take my case,” Ash shared. “Being a high-risk pregnancy, there were concerns about potential complications. However, eventually, a doctor was willing to work with me and understand my emotions and experiences.” Unfortunately, during labor, Ash faced a change in medical staff, and one individual’s reaction to his appearance led to a suggestion that he “rethink your gender identity.”

Despite the hurdles, Ash has embraced his role as a parent and finds joy in raising his miracle son, Ronan Shiva, alongside his supportive husband, Jordan. “I do have concerns about how others perceive me as a parent, but Jordan’s unwavering love has been a source of strength,” Ash said. Jordan stood by Ash throughout the entire process, even assisting in cutting Ronan’s umbilical cord.


Throughout the journey, Ash has found solace and support within the LGBTQI+ community and online networks. While facing physical challenges during pregnancy, the love and acceptance from loved ones and the internet community have provided comfort and a sense of belonging.

Ash’s story sheds light on the unique experiences and challenges faced by transgender individuals when it comes to reproductive health and parenting. It also highlights the importance of empathy, understanding, and competent medical care for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

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