TOP Birth Photos Capturing All The Painful But Happy Moments Of Childbirth Of The Most Beautiful Mothers In 2023

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

Separate photos on the topic of childbirth are always very emotional because they fully portray the mother’s emotions during the process of giving birth.Pregnancy and childbirth is always considered a “natural duty” of a woman. However, sometimes that mission is seen as an automatic responsibility and people accidentally forget the pain, hardship and sacrifice the mother had to accept to welcome the baby angel.

Therefore, the International Association of Birth Photographers (IAPBP) has organized an annual birth photo contest to honor the sacred moment of a woman’s “birth”. Photographers will submit their works in specific categories such as: Labor, delivery, postpartum, birth details and 48 hours after birth. Behind each photo is a touching and meaningful story for each family when welcoming a new member.

In particular, in the past year 2023, the whole world has had to fight with the epidemic, so photos of birth at home account for the majority. The overwhelming happiness when welcoming a successful baby angel exudes from each photo as comfort and encouragement to everyone that no matter how difficult life is, the future will definitely be better.

The photo that won the overall first prize in this year’s contest called Daddy’s Girls made by Canadian photographer Ashley Marston. The photo captures the emotional moment when the father holds his newborn daughter and next to him are three other grown daughters.

The photo won the overall first prize.

The photos that won the first prize in the categories voted by the judges include:

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

Childbirth details category: Photo “The Origin Of Life” by German photographer Charlene Forster.

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

Labor category: Photo “Reach Down. He’s Almost Here.” (Hang on! The baby is coming) by photographer  Dana Jacobs has detailed the pain as well as the mother’s best efforts for a successful birth.

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

Category 48 hours postpartum: The photo titled “Nourish” by photographer Jami Edgar made an impression when capturing the moment when a mother carefully breastfeeds her baby with the first sweet milk after birth. born.

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

Postpartum category: The photo “My Body, My Birth” by photographer Hanna Hill.

The photos that won the first prize in the categories voted by members include:

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

The best photo voted by members is  “The Greatest Love In The World” by photographer Anne Lucy Silva Barbosa, capturing the moment a mother burst into tears of happiness after giving birth. successful child.

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

Birth category: Photo “Grace” by photographer Danny Merz.

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

Category 48 hours after birth:  “Nursing A Newborn” photo by  Carey Lippert.

Some other impressive images at the contest that won the honorary prize:

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

“The Miracle of Life In Your Hands”

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

“Welcome Little Woman” (Welcome Little Woman)

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

“Birthing Queen”

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

“Home Birth in a Pandemic”

Ảnh sinh nở đẹp nhất 2021: Bắt trọn khoảnh khắc đau đớn nhưng đầy hạnh phúc ngày vượt cạn

“When Time Stands Still”


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