The PUSSY car-Unveiling the Automodule: Ponthieu’s Revolutionary Spherical Creation

In 1968, Ponthieu introduced a revolutionary creation known as the Automodule, a UFO-like spherical version of the Pussy car that had the ability to perform wheelies down the famous Champs Elysées in Paris. This extraordinary vehicle was propelled by a single 250cc single-cylinder engine, making it a truly remarkable feat of engineering.

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is an automodule? According to Ponthieu himself, it is a concept that goes beyond the conventional perception of an automobile. He believed that traditional cars were often considered ugly, lacking in aesthetic appeal. However, the automodule, with its unique design and innovative features, embodied beauty in its true form.

The spherical shape of the Automodule set it apart from any other vehicle of its time. Its sleek and futuristic appearance resembled that of a UFO, capturing the imagination of onlookers as it glided down the streets of Paris. The ability to perform wheelies added an element of excitement and dynamism to its already impressive repertoire.

With its powerful 250cc single-cylinder engine, the Automodule possessed the necessary strength and agility to navigate the bustling Champs Elysées. It seamlessly combined performance with style, creating a captivating spectacle for all those fortunate enough to witness it in action.

Ponthieu’s vision of the automodule challenged the notion of what a car could be. It was a daring departure from the traditional design principles, pushing the boundaries of automotive innovation. By emphasizing the importance of beauty and aesthetics, Ponthieu aimed to redefine the way we perceive automobiles.

Although the Automodule may not have become a mainstream phenomenon, its impact on the automotive industry cannot be overlooked. It served as a testament to human creativity and ingenuity, inspiring future generations of designers and engineers to think outside the box and reimagine the possibilities of transportation.



Ponthieu’s creation of the world’s first Automodule in 1968 marked a significant milestone in automotive history. This unique and captivating vehicle challenged conventional notions of beauty and design, showcasing the potential for innovative and visually stunning automobiles. While it may have been ahead of its time, the Automodule’s legacy lives on as a symbol of creativity, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of transportation.

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