Newborns with Full Sets of Teeth: Photographer’s Hilarious Twist on Baby Photos Goes Viral

We’ve always thought that babies were unequivocally adorable, but that belief was turned upside down when we stumbled upon Amy Haehl’s remarkable photographs at Coffee Creek Studio. These photos feature newborns with full sets of teeth, and now, we’re completely bewildered and unable to tear our eyes away from these captivating images.

Amy, the talented photographer behind these hilarious pictures, decided to share her whimsically altered baby photos on social media, and the response was nothing short of phenomenal. Believe us when we say that you’ve never seen newborn baby photos quite like these.

Haehl’s photos offer a playful twist on the classic newborn photo shoot, transforming these cherubic infants into grinning little characters with a mouthful of teeth. It’s a delightful take that had us wondering what these little bundles of joy might look like with a set of pearly whites. When Amy’s photos recently went viral, it left us doubled over with laughter.In a candid conversation with CafeMom, Haehl confessed that her intention was simple: to bring smiles to people’s faces. “I just thought it was so funny,” she said, “and it would be a great way to put a smile on people’s faces—literally.”

Amy didn’t plan an entire photoshoot for this toothy project but instead combed through her collection of newborn photos, selecting the ones she felt would be perfect for this humorous alteration. While some speculated that Photoshop was used to create those cheeky grins on the babies’ faces, Amy revealed that she actually employed an application called FaceApp to achieve these hilarious results.

And let’s be honest, some of these pictures are devilishly funny.

Amy shared her creations on her Coffee Creek Studios Facebook page, and they quickly gained a massive following. Since July 17, the post has garnered more than 24,000 likes and been shared more than 42,000 times.

Haehl believes her images resonated with people because they challenge our conventional notions of how babies should look. “I think these photos were popular because they are so different from the usual way we picture babies, and they’re undeniably hilarious,” she explained.

It’s easy to forget that babies aren’t born with teeth, and Amy’s images serve as a playful reminder of why that’s a good thing. “I think we all realize why babies aren’t born with a full set of teeth!” she humorously added.

Some of the photos look completely natural, while others are delightfully silly. Amy loved having a variety of images in her album, from those that were obviously awkward to ones that looked so natural you almost wouldn’t notice anything was off about the photo.

That’s what makes each photo even better than the last.

Amy, a former nurse turned full-time photographer, firmly believes that laughter is the best medicine. She has a passion for making people laugh and tries to encourage it in any way she can, which is why she decided to share this album rather than keep the laughs to herself.

The parents of the babies in her pictures have been incredibly supportive. “Overall, the parents of the babies in the album have been very understanding,” Amy noted.

However, neither Amy nor the parents could have anticipated just how popular these pictures would become. Haehl revealed that they hadn’t expected the photos to go viral, but they’ve all been very understanding, and she’s kept communication open with the parents throughout this unexpected journey.

Amy enjoyed the project so much that she felt like she could have kept going beyond the photos she initially released. In a Facebook post, she wrote, “I could have gone back and done this to every single baby that has ever come into my studio. Can’t. Stop. Laughing.”

Despite the laughs and the widespread enjoyment, both Amy and the parents agree: these little guys look better without the chiclets. “Overall, we all had a good laugh but still agree their babies are perfectly beautiful without teeth!” Amy concluded.

For now, we’re just grateful that these funny and creative photos exist, brightening our days and adding a touch of whimsy to the world of newborn photography.






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