In the bustling world of Chipperfield’s Circus in Chipping Norton, a young boy named Alex Larenty embarked on a journey that would eventually lead him to a remarkable and unconventional career. What might have appeared to be an ordinary childhood fascination with animals evolved into an extraordinary profession: massaging lions in the heart of South Africa.

Born and raised in Oxfordshire, Alex’s spirit of adventure drew him to the distant lands of South Africa in 1999. Little did he realize that destiny had something truly extraordinary in store for him. Today, he stands as a captivating figure at Johannesburg’s Lion Park, astonishing visitors with his awe-inspiring ability to massage the feet of the majestic big cats.
“It’s an amazing job, what can I say?” Alex humbly confesses when asked about his extraordinary vocation. Indeed, his work is nothing short of a spectacle, where courage, skill, and trust converge in a mesmerizing dance between humanity and the wild.

While the very idea of massaging lions might send shivers down the spine of most, Alex approaches his role with unwavering determination and a profound understanding of the creatures he engages with. “First thing is you’ve got to earn their trust because they think you’re up to no good,” he shares, highlighting the significance of establishing a bond of trust with these powerful animals.
Working with lions, renowned for their raw strength and primal instincts, might seem like a perilous endeavor. However, Alex’s devotion and deep connection to these majestic beasts have shielded him from harm’s way. Despite the inherent danger, he remains unscathed, a testament to the rapport he has painstakingly built with his feline companions.