A Refreshing Take on Parenting: The Humorous Reality Shared by Simon Hooper

In the era of carefully curated social media feeds and picture-perfect family moments, Simon Hooper, a father of four daughters, has taken a refreshingly different approach. While most parents select the best, cutest, and most meticulously edited photos of their children for sharing online, Simon Hooper has chosen to reveal the unfiltered truth about parenting – the humorous and sometimes chaotic moments that come with raising kids.

With over 273,000 followers on his Instagram account, Hooper’s unconventional parenting approach has struck a chord with many viewers. He acknowledges that the portrayal of parenting can often be overly sugary and one-sided, so he aims to provide a more genuine and light-hearted perspective for his audience.

Hooper’s household consists of a 9-year-old daughter, a 6-year-old daughter, and twin girls born just 10 months ago. He humorously describes himself as a “multi-tasking man”: a taxi driver, swimming coach, tutor, chef, consultant, banker, shopper, and father to his four daughters.

Through his posts, Hooper showcases various amusing parenting scenarios:

Hooper shares an amusing account of his daughter’s curious questions about the male body, relationships, and more. The awkwardness of addressing these topics while maintaining a balance of honesty and sensitivity is something many parents can relate to.

Hooper embraces International Women’s Day by celebrating his four daughters’ independence and potential. He emphasizes the changing societal norms that encourage girls to pursue their dreams and challenges the limitations that were once imposed on them.

Hooper humorously depicts the challenges of sharing a bed with his wife and four daughters. He describes his skill in sleeping on a small corner of the bed, trying not to disturb the rest of the family, and playfully dreams of having the bed to himself one day.

Hooper creatively solves everyday challenges, like carrying his daughters in a bag or using his own precious leather bags as makeshift entertainment for his kids.

Hooper captures the pains of teething through his daughters’ cries and screams, humorously likening them to the sounds of an injured animal.


Hooper becomes a mobile jungle gym, carrying his daughters around and turning himself into a play structure for them.

Hooper humorously describes the ordeal of bath time, where avoiding stepping on little hands and keeping everyone content can feel like a juggling act.

Hooper’s workout session involves his kids climbing all over him, providing an unconventional but effective exercise routine.

Hooper humorously recounts his daughters’ tactics for obtaining treats from him, making them sound like professional scammers.

Hooper’s daughters prefer unconventional toys, using everyday objects like keys, wallets, and credit cards as playthings.

Hooper must walk carefully around his daughters to avoid stepping on their tiny hands, giving him the appearance of a graceful dance through the house.

Hooper finds himself squeezed into a tiny bathroom with his daughters during bath time, an experience he humorously contrasts with modern technology.

Hooper’s phone is filled with emojis sent by his daughters, turning the junk folder into a repository of their creativity.

Simon Hooper’s candid and humorous posts offer a refreshing perspective on parenting that resonates with many. By sharing the chaos, challenges, and funny moments of family life, he provides a relatable and entertaining portrayal of the realities of raising children.

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