Mother’s Obsession: Art Or “BAD” Mom


Shamikia Morris began tattooing her son at the age of six months. The mother, who lives in Florida, enjoys tattooing her child’s body. Although tattoos are only temporary, most people do not approve of them.

Shamikia has received harsh criticism for her unusual “hobby.” Many people accuse her of being a bad mother who is raising a gangster. “To put it mildly, most of the comments about me are atrocious. It’s insane. People insult me in various ways, which hurts my feelings because I know I’m not a bad mother. If they want to pass judgment on someone based on a random 30-second video they saw on social media, that is fine, but they should understand that their opinion does not determine the essence or future of the person they are accusing,” Shamikia says in her interview.

She claims she doesn’t mind if people criticize her because it’s her choice and her way of life. According to the mother, her family already approves of what she is doing with her child. “Initially, my family despised me. They didn’t like my tattoos, and when I started tattooing Traylin, they were shocked and devastated.

They’re embracing it now that they realize it might be for the best. When we’re out, we draw everyone’s attention. “Young people adore his tattoos,” Shamikia says. She believes that with the assistance she is receiving, she will be able to provide a better future for Traylin.

Dinara, Shamikia’s sister, says she was opposed from the beginning. She flatly refused to support this notion. “I didn’t want my sister to do this to him, but once I realized it could help them, I accepted it,” she explained. I immediately told her that someone would go to child protection if she started tattooing her 6-month-old baby, but in the end, I respected her decision and accepted the way she chose to care for Treylin. Some commenters even suggested that the child would be shot in the streets or that she was raising him as if he were a prisoner, and she adored him.”

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